Our Process
Most knives will be sharpened by an Air-Cooled Belt System. This is widely used by most major knife brands if they offer free sharpening. We also use water-cooled whetstones on certain high-quality (Specialty Knives) knives to ensure we do not overheat the metal.
We Sharpen
We sharpen everyday, essential knives that every kitchen needs. From chef knives to paring and bread knives that cut like butter, each knife is perfectly sharpened and designed for optimal performance making meal prep a breeze.
*Note: All knives must be 14” or less. If you have knives that are longer 14”, or even a Meat Cleaver, please contact us by email and we’ll be glad to help. Why? We need to know so that we may send you a box that will fit.
We Also Sharpen
Specialty Knives are described as any Japanese styled knives. We sharpen Japanese styled knives only by use of Whetstones.
*Note: An upgraded price will be charged. Please contact us by email and a return call will be made to discuss your knives and the process. All knives sharpened by the use of a whetstone will be $25.00 each. This process is a much slower knife sharpening procedure.
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